Purchase Order

  • A Purchase Order(PO) is commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller,indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services.
  • It is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers.
  • Purchase Order contains PO number, date, vendor details, shipping details, item, quantity and unit price.

Purchase Order Types :

   Standard Purchase Order(SPO) :
  • One time commitment to purchase goods or services.
  • This type of Purchase Order is most widely used.
  • Purchase Order is made when all the key details such as the specific item(s) to be purchased, the quantity, the price, the delivery schedule, and payment terms are known.

   Planned Purchase Order(PPO) :
  • Long term agreement to buy goods/services.
  • For this purchase order, most details are known: items, quantity, price, and payment terms, but the exact delivery schedules are not yet known.
  • By using this purchase order you are committing to price and quantity etc,but you only make a tentative delivery schedule.
  • Planned PO look exactly like a Standard PO.

   Blanket Purchase Order(BPO) :
  • With a BPO, the situation is the same as a PPO, except price and quantity are not known either.
  • You will still specify which item you want on certain delivery terms, but nothing further until you make a release against the BPO.
  • Typically you will agree a maximum quantity for a specified period, and then order any amount beneath this quantity
  • You may agree price breaks that depend on quantity purchased.

   Contract Purchase Order(CPO) :
  • For this type of purchase order the specific item needed is not known.
  • You may agree on terms and conditions with your supplier, but nothing further until the items and quantities that you want are known.
  • SPOs are created by referring to the CPO when something is to be purchased against the CPO from that supplier.
  • Suppliers are authorised to ship through Standard PO lines giving reference of the Contract Agreement

Advantages :
  • Purchase orders allow buyers to clearly and explicitly communicate there intentions to sellers.
  • Sellers are protected in case of buyer's refusal to pay for goods or services.
  • Purchase order helps a purchasing agent to manage incoming orders and pending orders.
  • Purchase orders provide economies in that they streamline the purchasing process to a standard procedure.

Purchase Order example :