JPG vs BMP Difference

JPG stands for "Joint Photographic Experts Group".BMP stands for "Bitmap".
It has'.jpg' extension.It has '.bmp' extension.
This format became popular with the invention of the digital camera.This was probably the first type of digital image format.BMP is the basis platform form for many other file types.
Graphic files with a JPG formats are compressed digital images.Graphic files with a BMP format are uncompressed bitmapped images.
In Windows Vista and later versions the Paint program saves its images automatically in JPEG. In Windows XP the Paint program saves its images automatically in BMP.
Jpeg format is used for color photographs.These are usually used for icons and small sized images.
JPG format graphic files support up to 16 million colors.Bitmap formats are well suited for images with limited number of colors.

Advantages of JPG:
  • Image file sizes are small.
  • Image files can be downloaded faster when compared to the larger sized BMP images.
  • It uses millions of colors.

Disadvantages of JPG:
  • These images are less quality than BMP images.
  • JPG images lose their quality to a greater extent when they are edited, and the changes made are noticeable.
  • This is a lossy compression.

Advantages of BMP:
  • These images are higher quality.In BMP format files, each and every pixel has its own specific color, laying out a detailed map of the picture.
  • It is easy to edit or make changes to BMP images, because of their high quality.
  • This image format is lossless compression.

Disadvantages of BMP:
  • These image file sizes are larze.
  • Image files can be downloaded slower when compared to the smaller sized JPG images.
  • It uses limited number of colors.

Examples for JPG vs BMP :