Types of Accounts

1. Real Account :
  • Real account represent accounts of properties and assets.
    1. Tangible real accounts :These accounts represent assets and properties which can be seen touched or measured, purchased and sold and they have a physical shape.
      • Examples : Machinery, stock, furniture and Cash etc.
    2. Intangible real accounts :These accounts represent assets and properties which can be which cannot be seen touched or felt because they have no shape.But they can be measured in terms of money.
      • Examples : Goodwill, Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights etc.
  • Golden Rule :
    • Debit what comes in
    • Credit what goes out

Real account is represented as 3 types :
Assets :
  • Assets or the things that a company owns and also reffered as resources of the company.
  • Assets = Liabilities + Equity
Liabilities :
  • Liabilities are obligations of the company, they are amounts owed to others.
  • Common example of liability is accounts payble.
Equity :
  • Equity is the net amount of funds invested in a business by its owners.
  • Equity = Assets - Liabilities

2. Personal Account :
  • Personal account includes accounts of persons or organisation with whom the business has dealings.
    1. Natural personal accounts : It includes accounts of persons such as Ram's account, Manoj's account.
    2. Artificial or legal personal accounts : It includes accounts of organisations such as accounts of company, club and government
    3. Groups or Representative personal accounts : It includes accounts that representing group of persons such as outstanding salaries account for employees, rent and wages etc.
  • Golden Rule :
    • Debit the receiver
    • Credit the giver

3. Nominal Account :
  • Nominal accounts represent accounts for incomes, gains, expense and losses.
    • Examples : rent account, rates account, insurance account.
  • Golden Rule :
    • Debit all losses & expenses
    • Credit all incomes & gains
  • Net Income= Revenue - Expenses.
  • Revenues are the assets earned by company's operations and business activities.
  • Expenses are the money spent or cost incurred in an entity's efforts to generate revenue.